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Friday, March 30, 2007

[POLL] New free service: download papers for you

We think that you are pupils, students, engineers, researchers, scholars, etc. because you are the ones who want to get knowledge from books.

At that case, we suppose that you also want to access to some online libraries, journals, conference proceedings, etc. to know the newest development of research in the world. Some famous places are IEEE, Springerlink, ScienceDirect, NetLibrary.

However, almost of those is hardly accessed, even though you have money to subscribe to them.

It is because some of them only issue the subscription to organization like university's libraries, institutions, etc.

As we have ability to access to many those resources, we intend to open a new service - FREE - to support you downloading the paper from those online subsribed resources.

In order to help you better, we would like to ask for your favour to leave a comment to this post.

What kind of information which we need?
1. Do you want this service?
2. If yes, please give the name of the online resource(s) (as many as you want), including their URL.

How will we support you?
We will support you a place to post your request.
1. You search the paper as you want, then give us the link to download full paper (of course, you do not have right to download). We will download that paper and send to you by email.
2. With the site which does not support search function for unsubscribed person, please give us detailed information of the paper(s) which you want (as much as possible), then we will search and download for you.

How can you receive the files?
By email or free host.

Press digg it button to let us know you like this book.


Anonymous said...

ASME Transactions
Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbine and Power
E-Mail is very useful

zens said...

Audio Engineering Society (AES)