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Friday, December 22, 2006

Contribution and Donation

We tried to well organized the ebooks by ISBN. However, with such a huge database, we cannot sure that all information is correct. Please help us by one of these activities whenever you download or see any book:
- Make a comment to ebook whose information is not correct
- Make a comment to ebook to which downloading links do not belong
- Make a comment to ebook whose links are dead.
- Make a comment to ebook which is out-of-date, and there is newer edition.
- Give the cover image for the book which there is no cover image.

Of course, we cannot know all the books existed in the world. We open this blog to make it like a library for everybody. If anyone who wants to help us a hand to make this library richer, please feel free to contact us. We will discuss to find the most convenient way for your contribution. We greatly appreciate your kindness.

If you appreciate our work, please donate to us so that we can afford my living expense and internet fee. We will also upgrade the site to new host, new interface, so we need the financial support. Simply click to the Donate Button to send us money through Paypal. PLEASE PLUS 1$ for PAYPAL's PROCESSING FEE.

From now on, we will call donators and contributors as VERY SPECIAL PERSONS. We divide VERY SPECIAL PERSONS to 4 groups. To reciprocate your kindness, we will support you as following:

VSP_01: donators who donate from or over 50$
- 500 high-speed resumable direct links to download ebooks (you choose and give us the codes)
- Request 30 books at any time.
- List of all links of our books (37367 books until now). You can use the links at any time you want.
- 20 FTP or HTTP server which contains a large amount of movies, songs, albums, games, softwares, etc. You can choose them at Access duration equals to long-life of the server.
- One month access to an FTP server contains 270 Gb of ebooks, various fields from IT, engineering, photography, medical, philosophy, business, to wars/history books, comics, erotics etc. Especially, nearly 7GB of stuffs for men only, and over 13GB of magazines. It grows day by day. Contact us for the list of files in this server.

VSP_02: donators who donate from 20$ to 29$
- 200 high-speed resumable direct links to download ebooks (you choose and give us the codes).
- Request 15 books in two months.
- List of all links of our books (37367 books until now). You can use the links at any time you want.
- 10 FTP or HTTP servers which contains a large amount of movies, songs, albums, games, softwares, etc. You can choose them at Access duration equals to long-life of the server.

VSP_03: donators who donate from 10$ to 19$
- 150 high-speed resumable direct links to download ebooks (you choose and give us the codes).
- Request 10 books in two months.
- 05 FTP or HTTP servers which contains a large amount of movies, songs, albums, games, softwares, etc. You can choose them at Access duration equals to long-life of the server.

VSP_04: donators who donate under 10$
- 50 high-speed resumable direct links to download ebooks (you choose and give us the codes).
- Request 5 books in one month.
- 02 FTP or HTTP servers which contains a large amount of movies, songs, albums, games, softwares, etc. You can choose them at Access duration equals to long-life of the server.

- 20 cover images you find for us are equal to US$1 donation.
- Support for contributor depends on the amount of books which are not in my list. Because these people have a close contact with us, we will support them personally.

In addition, we sometimes can give you premium accounts to download from hosting services such as RAPIDSHARE, MEGAUPLOAD, MEGASHARES, etc. The issuance is based on priority rule (the one who donate/contribute most has the top priority).

All information about the support of FTP and HTTP servers to VERY SPECIAL PERSONS will be posted at All donators and contributors please visit there frequently.

If your have any comment, suggestion, question, donation, contribution, etc., do not hesitate to contact us.

Press digg it button to let us know you like this book.

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