
Latest News

We are terribly sorry to say that we will not receive any request. Moreover, the blog will be updated slowly.
Click here for the list of 37222 books will be posted.
We channge the way to support VERY SPECIAL PERSONS with some addition services. Click here for more detailed information.

All requests are answered.
Add more stuffs as appreciated presents to donators and contributors.
A promise to answer to all requests within next week.
A new service announcement.

See detailed information ...

Tuesday, March 20, 2007


This post will be updated as something happens to Ebooks Valley blog. Please see this post for the up-to-date notices.

We are terribly sorry to say that we will not receive any request. Moreover, the blog will be updated slowly. The reasons are:
- Some disadvantages and limitations from
- A new site is being built, with new look and much upgrade for better support.
- Payment for hosting service, domain, template, design, etc. is being solved by finding sponsors.

Click here for the list of 37222 books will be posted. Because we just can post about 300 books per day, the estimated time to post all those books is about 120 days. Our plan is posting 100,000 books in one year and a half. We already have links for those books, so the consuming time is just due to the time to post. If you do not want to wait, you will have the links for those books immediately by joining VERY SPECIAL PERSONS group.

In addition, we will change the way to serve VERY SPECIAL PERSONS who donated for this site. This will make the support to YOU more effective.

We have a plan to make a new site with more friendly interface and does not have some limitation like However, we need a host. That is why we need your financial support.

All requests are answered as promised. We will send the necessary information to the requester. Please check the request post for each month, and note that:
1. One request for guests. Very Special Persons can be supplied more requests depends on the contribution.
2. The more information the better. Sometimes we can find several ISBN for one book's title. Actually, we do not know which one is your desire.
3. Please sure that the ebook version of the book is available. "Every book has its ebook version" is a wrong thinking.

At last, we are sorry for loosing to find your needed books.

As you know, internet is a huge resource for everything. Our site just published to organize some ebooks to form a so-called small online library. However, it takes time and cannot show you all. In addition, we would like to thank donators and contributors very much indeed for their help and encourage. Therefore, we added more benefits for every $1 donation, or contribution (useful ideas, links, sources of stuffs, etc.). The benefits include FTP servers, HTTP servers, and premium account for several hosting services. Please read the detail at

Moreover, I will answer to all requests within next week. Thank you very much for your patience.

Due to limitation of 50 posts per day, while we have to post many books, we made more 6 blogs like this, so that we can post around 350 books a day. Please visit also:

Please note that, although is the main domain, but it cannot contain all our books. Therefore, books are spread out in 7 sites, as mentioned above.

After some problems in the last several weeks, all links work well now. Sorry for any inconvernient and thank you for your patience. Please use the code provided here to search for the links.
I will come back to support your requests, too.

The bug of word verification was solved by However, there will have some changes in the next few days due to the complaint from for copyrighted materials. The blog will not updated during this time, until the problem is solved.
Thank you for your patient. Please encourage my work.

We are still waiting for the solution from so that we can fix the dead links to download the books.

The blog met a problem with about the word verification when posting the post from 51st. We are waiting for solution from Therefore, meantime, we cannot publish the books as quick as we want. Please take it easy as us.
Thank you very much.

We are now on the way

Press digg it button to let us know you like this book.


Anonymous said...

[Book Request]
Please upload the book below

Web Programming: Building Internet Applications,Third Edition, Author:Chris Bates, 2006, Publisher:John Wiley and Sons Ltd, England.

I need the book urgently.

Many thanks

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