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Friday, December 22, 2006

Welcome !!!

Welcome to new version of the blog. You will see the posts in next few days.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year !
SBR Blogger.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

C'mon Mr. eBook guy!

I just found one your links to eBook
"Schaum's Outlines Theory And Problems Of Electric Circuits"

I DLed that, opened it and feeled like a real happy guy!! this was what I needed for long time
I like u and ur stuff

Put every electric stuff u get to found in electrical engineering field especially in "Communication Branch" like "Field and Waves" "Antenna" "Microwave" "Communicatin Circuits",...

"I mean is this guy somethin'
Or is he somthin?"

(Al Pacino's quote, as Vincent Hanna LAPD police detective, in one the best sequences of one his best performances in one of "top two" Michael Mann films that means the movie "Heat" (the other one is usually considered "The Insider" also starring "Alfredo")

anyway he talks about "how Professional AND GOOD"
Robert De'Niro (as Neil a pro thief) is.
and its you too great boy